About Us
We help ladies (just like you) take control of their financial futures (without the boring bits)
Pop the prosecco
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Ladies Finance Club empowers women to take control of their financial futures and to get money savvy, but in a way that doesn’t make you want to hit snoozeville.
We get it… finance can be boring, so we run engaging events, online workshops and courses with the best experts in the industry to breakdown and demystify financial jargon on a range of topics from investing, building an emergency fund, insurance, pensions, debt, budgeting and more.
Still today, there is still a massive financial gap when it comes to women and their salary, pension and investments. This has a massive impact on a women’s future. We are passionate about educating women so they can control life on their own terms.
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Molly Benjamin
Molly Benjamin was not very good with money. However, she had been working as a communications specialist in the financial sectors for national and international companies for most of her career such as Barclays, the Financial Conduct Authority and the Bank of Queensland. In fact, over a glass of prosecco with her gal pals she realised they were all a bit #clueless when it came to their personal finances. As an experiment, Molly put on an info night in her living room. No big deal, just a few girls, some champagne and a money expert with real-world insights.
Things really took off from there and Ladies Finance Club was born in London in 2018 and launched in Australia in August 2019. Since then Ladies Finance Club has had over 50,000 women attend an event, masterclass, webinar or workshop and has partnered and run corporate workshops with the likes of Google, Pinterest, Deloitte, Audible and more!
Molly's mission is simple: To help make women rich so they have full control and freedom over their lives! Her book Girls Just Wanna Have Funds was released on 31 Jan 2023!
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Our Vision
Financial independence means POWER.
We want to see a future where women are in control of their finances so they can be empowered to make any choice they want. It all starts with the right education…
Our Mission
Our mission is to change the way women think and behave with money.

Our Values
Ok, yes, we value rad bags and shoes. But it’s bigger than that.
Ladies Finance Club values a sustainable and equal world.
We value ethical and low fee financial products. And our events are all #ecofriendly.

Are you ready to become
"Ok, maybe just ready to establish a strong financial future?
Sign up for our newsletter below."
The information provided on our website or at this seminar, online course, event, webinar or workshop is general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. Read Full Disclosure Here.