Episode Description
Money Makeover with Effie Zahos
I’m chatting with an absolute rockstar in the women’s finance world today, Effie Zahos. Effie is the Editor-at-Large at Canstar, one of Australia's largest financial comparison sites and has more than two decades of experience helping Aussies make the most of their money. I know you’re going to get so much value from this conversation as Effie shares her tips and insights on how to give your finances a money makeover.
Effie Zahos regularly features on Channel Nine’s Today Show as a money expert, and has written a number of books that we love here at LFS, including A Real Girl’s Guide to Money and Ditch the Debt and Get Rich. In her fun and casual way, Effie helps others makes the most of what they have and it’s such a delight to have her on the show today.
In this episode, Effie explains the five money personalities and how understanding your money behaviour can help you put measures in place to curb impulsive spending, save more and really make your money work for you.
We talk about the marketing mind games that get played on us, common mistakes Effie sees people make with their money and some of the biggest lessons she has learned personally when it comes to money. Effie also shares her thoughts on why it’s so important for women to start thinking about investing and building wealth.
If you’re ready to take action on your money makeover, Effie shares her expert advice and tips on what to do first and it’s all about keeping it simple. Small consistent things every day will go a long way to transforming your money game!
Super Calculator
Instagram: @effiezahos/
Twitter: @effiezahos
Books: Ditch the Debt and Get Rich
A Real Girl's Guide to Money

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A money podcast that doesn’t make you want to hit snoozville (pop the prosecco)! Ladies Finance Club is here to brighten up the pale stale world of finance and help you to get money savvy!
Ladies Finance Club Founder, Molly Benjamin and leading financial planner interview guests on a range of personal finance topics using jargon-free language helping listeners to understand the world of money and how they can take control of their financial futures!
From investing, tax, debt, pensions, money mindset, property we will answer the questions you feel you should know the answers to or are just too scared to ask!

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