Hi, I'm Emma,
Financial Thought Leader & Mortgage Advisor specialising in in guiding homebuyers through the process of purchasing a home
Buyers Agent
I help women to change the financial conversations, translate complex mortgage language and transform the experience of buying a home for all women across Australia.
I know first hand the security and confidence owning your own home offers women who are generally working, nurturing relationships, managing kids and running households.
As one of Australia’s most trusted Mortgage Advisors, I share more than simply creating valuable strategies that position you for financial success; together we have the power to transform your entire experience of finance and wealth...for good. Emma’s extensive knowledge, sharp competence, and engaging warmth helps her align with her team to deliver financial solutions that make sense, create an impact, and provide a legacy

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Our Ambassador
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More About Me
Even though ‘finance’ is largely experienced as ‘transactional’, it’s the relationships that are the heart of my life’s work, I enjoy the way clients treat me like a close friend or family member, with a mutually respectful personable and trustworthy bond.
And it’s not just clients Emma supports, she designs and delivers local community events and women's business networking events and is involved in the Cancer Council and Rotary to drive awareness, funds and community support.Emma Stephens Speaker’s Introduction Emma Stephens is one of Australia’s most prominent Financial Thought Leaders specialising in financial strategy, product specialisation and Mortgage Advisory for women..
With over 17 years of experience delivering financial wellbeing and personal wealth
strategies in banking and investment, Emma has transformed the financial experience of
tens of thousands of customers, their families, businesses and communities across our
cities and regions. As she created professional waves, Emma was personally impacted by the significant number of women who felt intimidated by the financial world, lacked the confidence to borrow to invest, and who couldn’t make their money work - so she committed to turning the tide. After holding prominent long-term Executive Management roles in a leading Australian financial organisation, Emma cashed in her influential Branch Manager and Business Development Manager role and invested in herself - to change financial conversations and challenge the status quo through her own Personal Mortgage Advisory - Smartline. Emma joins us today to change our experience of finance and wealth...for good. Emma’s Verbal Introduction Thank you for your generous introduction - in short, I’m on a mission to transform the experience of buying a home for 10k women in Australia by 2025.
Inspired by my personal experience as a newly single mum working full-time trying to
invest in the security of a buying a home, I’m here to change the financial conversations,
translate complex mortgage language and transform the experience of buying a home for all women across Australia. I now lead my own Mortgage Advisory, Smartline Personal Mortgage Advisors, to make a greater impact specialising in translating financial information to transform women’s experience of buying a home and securing wealth. Today we’ll change the financial conversation. I’ll translate the common mortgage language, so you leave here excited and empowered to take your next confident steps toward homeownership and wealth creation...for good.

The information provided on our website or at this seminar, online course, event, webinar or workshop is general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. Read Full Disclosure Here.