
Hi, I’m Justine,


Business Money Coach

Business Money Coach

I help women take the guesswork out of numbers and give them the education they need to maximise their revenue and increase profitability!

I've helped countless women in business, plus a few good men, focus on the business finance. Together we've created and scaled businesses, increased turnover and profits, diversified business models, grown teams and reached success goals that no one thought was possible.

And since selling off the bookkeeping part of my business in early 2023, I've stepped into my purpose and created my signature course, the Business Money Formula. I understand the business numbers and want to empower female entrepreneurs and business owners to take the actions necessary to create profitable and sustainable businesses that fit into their unique definition of success. My mission, to help business owners increase their financial literacy, their business impact and their profits!

Location: Just about to move to Huskisson on the NSW south coast but also have a base here in Sydney
Favourite drink: Coffee
Best life hack: Write down tomorrow’s to-do list before you end the day and you’ll sleep like a baby! Oh and if you have kids, well specifically boys cos I raised four of them and I always get asked how I did it, It’s simple, feed them and keeping them running!
Best piece of advice: Nothing is ever wasted OR Movement creates movement

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More About Me


I am a business money mentor on a mission to help women in business improve their financial literacy. A registered BAS agent and host of the Secrets of Successful Business podcast, Justine was named one of the Coach Foundation’s Top Female Business Coaches for 2022.

I started my first business in 1994 when my eldest son was born; I had no clue about business or the business finance. As a freelance contractor it was kinda ok, because back in the 90s, WFH wasn’t really a thing and I was happy to be able to stay at home and look after my babies.

Roll forward to 2002 when my hubby David I opened two retail stores and an e-commerce site, things on the business front needed to get serious and fast, especially on the business money front.

Like any good business duo, David and I divided up the jobs and somewhere along the line, I got stuck with the finances. And here's my little secret here, I wasn’t thrilled, I didn’t really ‘do numbers’ and wasn’t the best at math. But as a small business owner you need to do all the things, so I had to find a solution.

After a few false starts with not-so good finance professionals, I decided to do something extreme, not only did I embrace all things business finance but I also became a registered BAS (Business Activity Statement) agent! For those in the know, that's 1,000 hours of supervised BAS preparation right there and I did those hours working in insolvency, as a side-hustle.

In 2016, I started a bookkeeping and BAS compliance business which I recently sold for a profit! I also continued to take freelance gigs in publishing; it's where I started my career and I love to write. But when the pandemic hit, everything changed. Contracts were lost, small business needed extra help on the finance front and so I bundled all of my businesses into one and founded Flossi Creative.

I'm available for one-to-one coaching and offers a range of courses to help accelerate small business. Doors open to Flossi Creative’s new signature course, the Business Money Formula on 1 May 2023.

In my spare time, I also host Secrets of Successful Business podcast.

The information provided on our website or at this seminar, online course, event, webinar or workshop is general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. Read Full Disclosure Here.