Become an LFC Ambassador
If you’re interested in applying to become an LFC Ambassador you’ve come to the right place! 🎉

Curious to know what an LFC Ambassador is? It’s women that have been chosen by LFC who embody our company values and vision, and are passionate about providing the best possible financial education and services to Aussie women. 🤩
As you may already know, we’re on a mission to empower women Australia-wide to become financially fierce (and we know we’re not alone on this journey!) 😉. This is why we started our LFC Ambassador program, to bring like-minded changemakers together to create a space where our LFC Ambassadors can share their financial genius to support our LFC ladies, and connect with new dream clients in return.
We take on a limited number of LFC Ambassadors per category per year, as it’s a minimum 12-month commitment. The reason for this is that we want to provide the best possible support to our community of women, and the best possible experience to our LFC Ambassadors! This is how we believe we can do just that.
So, what’s included in being an LFC Ambassador? 🤔
Allow us to explain!

For every new LFC Ambassador, we’ll do a “Meet & Greet” post introducing you by sharing a bit about who you are, what you do, and how our ladies can find out more and get in touch! This will also be featured on our LFC Ambassador highlight section on our Instagram account.

Under your respective category on the LFC Ambassador page, you’ll be featured with a picture, short bio, and link to “find out more.”

For when our ladies want to find out more about you, they’ll be able to go to your profile page on our LFC website which details your genius. This is where you can share your story, your experience, and of course, how our ladies can connect and work with you!

Every month, we will feature new content shared from ambassadors on our main blog page. All pieces submitted will be reviewed and selected based on LFC’s education themes for the month. So if your article doesn’t go live right away, fear not! We’ll likely be saving it for later when it lines up with our content. Of course, we’ll keep you posted along the way.

You’ll be invited to relevant LFC events to attend, network and where possible, speak to our community (if we think you’re the best fit!).

When media interviews or requests are asked, LFC will share opportunities and quotes from our Ambassadors.

When any asks, you can refer to yourself as a “Ladies Finance Club Ambassador.”
We find our ladies are always asking for recommendations on financial experts to reach out to, from mortgage brokers to estate agents (and everything in between)!
This LFC Ambassador page is intentionally designed to become the one stop shop for our women to find with the perfect expert for their needs 🌟.

If you’re interested in applying to
become an LFC Ambassador,
fill out this form and we'll be in touch with you if you're the right fit! 🎉
Some of these Ambassadors we may have an affiliate with - this means LFC will get a small commission if you sign up with them (but it doesn't cost you anything). We only work with companies and women who we trust, love and use ourselves! The money gets reinvested into the company so we can continue to run free sessions for our community like our Debt me Out Of here events. For more information on specifics email the team at [email protected].